Pioneer Title Agency has announced the opening of its Desert Foothills branch, which is located at 34597 N. 60th Street, Suite 106, in Scottsdale. The family-owned business has now grown to more than 70 locations statewide, and in September accepted an award from BestCompaniesAZ as one of the Most Admired Companies in Arizona. “We look forward to serving residents in North Scottsdale, Cave Creek and Carefree with title insurance, escrow, trustee sales and builder-related trust services,” said Cathy Weir, branch manager and senior escrow officer. “But just as importantly, we are focused on being the voice for both business and economic development in the area.” Weir brings in over 35 years of experience – including four years with Pioneer Title – to her role and will be responsible for managing escrow associates, completing real estate escrow transactions, clearing titles, disbursing funds and preparing, reviewing and closing documents. Working alongside Weir is escrow officer Helena McCune and escrow assistant Julie Grimes. All three women worked together at Pioneer’s Sonoran Village branch, also located in the North Valley and still open with a full team, prior to launching the Desert Foothills branch. Weir is a Cave Creek resident and an active volunteer with USO Arizona. A grand opening event is being planned within the upcoming months.