Harvesting Greatness: Our Sonoran Village Branch is Helping Students "Grow"

« TITLE TALK / Harvesting Greatness: Our Sonoran Village Branch is Helping Students "Grow"

Our Sonoran Village branch has made some incredible strides within its community. In just two years, they’ve partnered on bottled water drives, shred-a-thons and holiday toy donation drives for the Salvation Army, Toys for Tots and many more. And now, they’ve started their biggest project to date as a part of Pioneer Title’s company-wide Old School Philanthropy initiative, a project that has been featured in 85085 Magazine! So, what did the local branch decide to do? Inspired by Cathy Weir, branch manger and avid gardener, the branch’s senior escrow officer Monique Minor met with Stepping Stones Academy just a few blocks from their office. In a twist of fate, not only did Stepping Stones have its own learning garden and associated curriculum, but the teacher in charge of the program had just retired, so it had not been maintained for some time. As a result, the team at the Sonoran Village branch started growing vegetables and herbs in the office from seedlings so they would be ready for the students when they got back to school. The branch not only started the growing process right at the branch, but took up a collection to help the school pay for on-going maintenance to their on-site garden, as well as to fund special items including goody bags, gardening books and more for the students who will be taking on the garden this year. This Saturday, August 5, members of the branch as well as Stepping Stones Academy employees, will be working together to transfer the plants that have been growing in the office to the school’s garden. Since launching the project, the school has found a new teacher to oversee the garden during the school year, as well as a fifth grade class who will be taking care of the plants – and even harvesting them – throughout the various growing seasons. Incredible work, team! To see the entire story in 85085 Magazine, check out the online issue!