New Years Goals

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New years eve is fast approaching, and before you know it, 2020 will be here! Most people use New Years Day to set goals and resolutions, but by then, it may be too late.  While you may be tempted to wait until after all the holiday madness in November and December, the best time to start planning is now!  Our team has started gathering to set their goals for 2020, and we are here to share four tips to help you get started: 

  1. Set Aside Time to Plan: Studies show when individuals plan for their success, the probability they will achieve it grows exponentially. That is why business planning is key! To make sure your business plan doesn’t get pushed to the back burner, set aside time. Time block an afternoon where you can focus on goal setting without distractions. 
  2. Reflect on 2019: Maybe this year was your best one yet! Or, maybe it left you underwhelmed. Either way, it is essential to review how the year went. What went well? What mistakes can you learn from? As you reflect, take note of what strategies worked and produced real results. Be sure to use your lessons from 2019 to make 2020 even better! 
  3. Have a Coach or Accountability Partner: This is SO important. Having a coach can provide experience and knowledge, and an accountability partner is great for helping you stay focused. Having one (or both!) will help you strategically set goals, stay motivated, and make it to the finish line. Plus, that’s just one more person to party with next year after achieving your goals! 
  4. Outline Your Goals and Write them Down: Sometimes, the hardest part of business planning is getting started! It can seem like an intimidating task. If you need help getting started, outline your year, and start from there. Plus, this way, you have your goals and plan written out for you to reference. 
Need help setting goals? Contact one of your Pioneer Sales and Marketing Reps today to help. We would love to be your accountability partner for 2020!  Source