As part of Pioneer Title Agency’s new philanthropic initiative, Old School, members of Pioneer’s Wickenburg branch surprised the teachers of Vulture Peak Middle School with classroom supplies to help them prepare for the upcoming school year. “All of us at the Wickenburg Office got together and shared ideas of what to do for our school community. Every year, organizations and communities band together to provide school supplies for children, but the teachers are responsible for stocking their own back to school/school year supplies,” said Christa Payan, assistant escrow officer for Pioneer Title’s Wickenburg branch. “So we decided to surprise the staff at Vulture Peak Middle School with supply packages!” Payan coordinated with the school’s principal, Ms. Jennifer Appleby, to put together supply lists and schedule a day for the big surprise. On Friday Aug. 4, Wickenburg branch employees loaded up the school supply packages and surprised the teachers of Vulture Peak Middle School during their back to school meeting, where tears of joy and gratitude quickly began to flow through the room! A local lender Payan works with even stopped by to surprise the teachers with bottles of wine, “Kristi Henson showed up before we left and the room erupted in joy once again as she brought each and every teacher a bottle of wine! Now that’s back to school.” said Payan. In addition to surprising the teachers of Vulture Peak Middle School, a few employees headed over to the Wickenburg Rotary Club that same day to stuff 276 backpacks for children in need. As if the Wickenburg branch hasn’t already made a huge positive impact on local schools, a few employees even returned to the Wickenburg Rotary Club the following Saturday morning to fit children for back to school shoes!